5 Quotes & Sayings By Daniel P Douglas

Daniel P. Douglas has been a writer and editor of various types of publications for over thirty years. He has published several books, including a collection of short stories that have been translated into three different languages, a children's book about the history of the New Orleans Saints, and a business guide to producing research papers. His work has been featured in several national magazines, including The Carolina Eagle, The New York Times, and USA Today Read more

In addition, he served as an editor for a national marketing magazine for eight years. He is also the founder of the Benjamin Franklin Institute of Public Speaking in Wilmington, North Carolina.

I’m sorry, Bill, I thought you said something about aliens? Did you give up the menthols for marijuana? Or maybe they now have flavored joints as well? Daniel P. Douglas
Blacker than the night, the wedge penetrated the darkness. An F 117 raced by, the roar from its engines screaming through the interior of the chopper, and then it sliced away a piece of sky and disappeared into the void.- Narrator, Truth Insurrected: The Saint Mary Project Daniel P. Douglas
The moon shines like a freshly unwrapped cheese ball at the holidays.”- William Harrison in Truth Insurrected: The Saint Mary Project Daniel P. Douglas
Truth is mighty and will prevail. Daniel P. Douglas